Ladies are thought of as weak, fragile and soft hearted. Yeah I know it’s a big mistake to think that way because we can all give examples of women who are tough, strong and with strong heart.
When it comes to relationship, I must admit that more guys break the hearts of ladies than ladies do break the hearts of men…. *please please no debate…lol*
Unfortunately when a lady decide to be bad…. don’t go there!
So my dear ladies….
Why will you toss a guy up and down, stretch him like chewing gum only to say YES to his proposal?
Why will you push him to spend more than he earns on you?
Things you know are your wants and not needs, you still push him to get them for you. He came to date you and now he is your mother and father combined that he must take all responsibilities. I know a lady who even asks money for sanitary pad.
Why will you push him to spend more than he earns on you?
Things you know are your wants and not needs, you still push him to get them for you. He came to date you and now he is your mother and father combined that he must take all responsibilities. I know a lady who even asks money for sanitary pad.
Why will you push a guy to this extent when you know deep down in your heart you dont love him? Why will you let him do all your wishes only for you to laugh at him behind? Why will you be hanging out with your ex or another guy and have fun with him while your supposed boyfriend does all the dirty or hardwork?
You know how much he loves you. You know none of your ex or guys you hang out with can do what he does for you and yet you close your heart and treat him badly as if he doesn’t exist in your world. You get closer and nice to him only when you need something from him because you know he loves you and can’t say no.
He is a human being with a heart, he has feelings and feels pain. You have caused him to cry like a baby begging you to return his love.
STOP taking advantage of such kind and caring guys out there. Most ladies say all guy are the same…. *I’m sorry that’s FALSE.*
There are genuine and good guys out there but unfortunately some of these wicked ladies have broken their hearts beyond repairs.
If you don’t love him…tell him the truth and let him go. Don’t pretend you are because of the benefits you don’t want to loose. _Don’t use fake or weak excuses of some few things he didn’t get or do right because it’s not Jesus you are dating but a human being who is bound to make some few mistakes here and there._
When a guy breaks a heart you see the pieces but when a woman does it you can’t find the pieces because you only see your heart in a powdered form….smooth! This is because you don’t see it coming, you don’t expect such things from a lady because they are seen as angels on earth.
I repeat…there are still good guys out there who are ready to love with all their heart. Stop crushing them and cherish them when you find them.